
Showing posts from September, 2017

First time up Pendle Hill

Ever since arriving in the Pendle Area of Lancashire almost seven or eight years ago I have been looking at Pendle Hill and thinking I really must take a walk up there one day. Well a few days ago (late August 2017) I decided to give it a go. The weather was overcast and threatened rain for most of the trip and wind was strong from the west.     I looked at a number of possible routes up the hill and decided on one that started out from the village of Barley (SD 8213 4054) but on arrival I found that the village was blocked up with parked cars and Barley Lane to the north is very narrow for a kilometre or so to the north.  I eventually found a safe place to leave the car just opposite the entrance to Windy Harbour (SD81640 41183).     I took the footpath into the field on to the Pendle Hill side of the road and followed the track towards Gannel House. About half way to the house you need to cross a dry stone wall but there is a style about 30 meters from the western corne